Checkout – Product Reviews 1.1 Release Notes
-Release notes for Checkout – Product Reviews version 1.1
- Setting to switch on or off administrator notification for reviews
- Email notification to administrator when a review is submitted (if setting is switched on)
- Notification icon in admin menu when theee are unapproved reviews
- Setting to auto-approve product reviews
- Average rating in products grid and pages
- New design and compatibility with Bootstrap theme folder
- Database indexes for improved performance
- New model initialization structure
- Corrected notice admin-functions.php is deprecated since ver 4.5.0. Use add_menu_page() instead
- Improved plugin name, path, base etc properties
- Change core classname to checkout_reviews
- Improved Yotpo output on product page
- Improved caching on settings page to no longer need to be refreshed to show changes
- Fixed missing changelog template file for updates
- Date of review saving blank
- Admin menu icon not showing
- Fixed: The plugin generated X characters of unexpected output during activation
- PHP deprecated class constructors showing warning message
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