Checkout: Save a Product
Checkout > Products > Save a Product
Title and Description
The title/name will be shown throughout the shop to both yourself as administrator and to the customers viewing the front of your shop. A title is required.
NOTE: that very long titles may cause display and database issues, so try keep it short.
The description of the product as seen on product pages. The editor as seen in the screenshot is the default TinyMCE editor that comes with WordPress. Your product descriptions support HTML and shortcodes from the plugin and 3rd party sources. A description is required.
Product Image(s)
Image File
You can browse here for an image to upload to the product, simply click the “Choose File” button yo open the navigation on your computer.
If there is an existing image file (when editing) this will be shown with a thumbnail and will be replaced if you update the product with a new file.
An image is not required.
Extra Images
Extra images are shown as little thumbnails below the main product image when on the product page. As many as are needed can be uploaded, simply click the button to “Add another image” to add a new field to browse for an image to upload.
Existing images can be removed (when editing the product) by simply clicking the small red cross next to the thumbnail.
Category Check Box List
Use this to select which Categories your Product will be associated with. “Check All” will check all the boxes and “Inverse Selection” will check the unchecked boxes and vice versa. You can add categories ‘on the fly‘ as you create a product by clicking on the “Add Category” link. The video above has more details.
Product Status
This allows you to set a product to “Active” or “Inactive“. Setting it to Inactive means it will not appear on the customer side of your site (front-end).
Showcase Product & Showcase Message
If you decide to Showcase your product, which will remove the prices and add to cart button, you must make sure this is set to “Yes“. You then are presented with a field which allows you to specify a text message that explains why this product is only a showcase, default value is “Call for more info”
Featured Product
Selecting this option identifies this product as a “Featured Product” and it will be displayed together with other featured products on a post or page containing the [wpcofeaturedproducts] shortcode.
Continue Editing & Save Product
When you are ready to save your product you must click the “Save Product” button. This will navigate you back to your Manage Products section. If you wish to save the changes but not be navigated away from this page then tick the “Continue editing” checkbox. If this is select when you save the product then the page will refresh while the changes are saved.
Custom Fields
These are the custom fields from the Checkout > Custom Fields section and ticking them will make them display on the product page. If you have not created any custom fields the selection will be empty. You can always create new custom fields and come back and edit the Product at a later stage.
Product Post/Page
Create Post/Page
Choose from the radio buttons to make either a Post or a Page for this product. The default setting for this can be changed in the configuration.
Depending on the option chosen here you will be presented with options to set the post category or page parent accordingly.
Post/Page Password
You can password protect this product post/page by specifying a password in this field. This will require the password when viewing the product on the site.
Comment Status
You can turn comments on/off for the product post/page accordingly. “Open” will allow comments, “Closed” will hide the comments box and existing comments.
Additional Descriptions
NOTE: Additional Descriptions appear as content tabs on the product post/page. These are below the main product description and images. It uses the jQuery UI tabs.
Each additional description that has been created will have a “Remove” link. Clicking this will prompt a pop-up to confirm you wish to remove it. Confirming this will delete the additional description.
This is the Title/Name of the additional description. It will also be used as the title for the content tab added for the additional description.
This is the additional description that will be used to provide more information to your users on the front end. You should try and make this concise and to the point. This text area supports HTML and 3rd party shortcodes.
Add Another Description
This option allows you to create additional descriptions for the product. Clicking this button will add the 2 text inputs as seen in the above screen shot. The number of additional descriptions that can be added is unlimited.
Product Pricing & Shipping
Depending on which price type you choose, you will see one of the 4 options appear in the screenshots below. This is outlined below in Price Type. Price types are shown below:
Fixed Price
The Fixed Price option allows you to specify one single price for the product. Nothing special or fancy, just the fact that this product will cost the specified amount.
Price Tiers
Tiers allow you to determine the price per unit based on how many units a customer is buying. The value you assign the the tier is the price per unit. In the above screenshot this means that if a customer buys 1 to 5 units it will be $20.00 per unit. If the buy 6 to 20 it will be $15.00 per unit. Infinite tiers can be added, and please note that the last tier you add will end at infinite units.
Per Square Meter (m2)
Certain products that are added will need pricing per square meter. For example, say you have set up a carpet fitting online shop where customers must specify how many square meters the room is that they want to carpet is. You can use this Price Type to set up a product that needs per square unit billing, you can also add max/min length and width values for the product.
Per Measurement
Certain products that are added will need pricing per measurement. For example, You are selling steel, then you can add pricing according to measurements for the steel.
Checkout Type
For this you have the option to have the product you are currently creating in either normal purchase mode ‘Buy Now’ mode or Recurring Payment mode. The difference is that the Buy Now purchase type instantly navigates the customer to pay for the product. Normal purchase type still has the whole add to cart/basket and continue shopping process before being navigated to pay.
Recurring Payments
When choosing Recurring Payment you can give the user a Once-Off choice as well. You can enter a note to show on the product page regarding the recurring product.
Select your payment method- and interval for recurring payment.
Price Type has been outlined in the tabs above.
Retail/Suggested Price
This is the suggested retail Price. if you use this option and set it higher than the selling price it has the effect of showing the item as being discounted to the user. A line will be drawn the suggested price i.e. $199.
On Sale
Mark the On Sale checkbox to set this product on sale. It will show a flag on the product in the front end to show it’s on sale.
Wholesale Price
This is the wholesale price from the supplier/manufacturer and is per unit/item.
The wholesale price is for internal use only and it is not displayed to the customers. It is also used for the percentage based additional product shipping if that is being used.
Tax Exempt
You can exclude this product from tax calculations by setting this to No.
Override Global Tax Rates
You can override global tax rates defined in the configuration settings here.
Product Type
There are two type of products: Tangible and Digital. Tangible is used when you want to display Units, Weight, Shipping costs etc. Physical products are tangible.
Digital is used for products that are downloadable from you website i.e. songs, e-books etc.
Settings for Tangible Products
Unit Weight
This is the weight of a single product item. kg, lbs, etc will be displayed after the textbox depending on the unit of measurement chosen. See Checkout > Configuration. The global shipping calculation will be exclude the product from the global shipping calculation when the check-box is ticked.
Length Measurement Drop Down list: you must choose from the drop-down list which unit of measurement you are wanting to use for this product. It will only affect this product and the Width/Height/Length fields below.
Unit Width
This is the width of a single product item. cm, mm, in, etc will be displayed after the textbox depending on the unit of measurement chosen.
Unit Length
This is the length of a single product item. cm, mm, ins, etc will be displayed after the textbox depending on the unit of measurement chosen.
Unit Height
This is the height of a single product item. cm, mm, in will be displayed after the textbox depending on the unit of measurement chosen.
Exclude from Global Shipping
Select this checkbox if you want to exclude this product from global shipping calculations.
Additional Shipping Cost
This allows you to add/select specific additional shipping costs for a particular product and specify whether such additional costs will be fixed or tier based. Additional shipping will be added on top of global shipping.
Shipping Calculate
Select your additional shipping calculations. Calculate per quantity or once for all quantities added to your cart.
Shipping Type
You can specify to have your additional shipping charged as a percentage per Shipping Method, or as Pricing Tiers per Shipping Method or just as a fixed additional price per Shipping Method.
Product Shipping
These fields change depending on your selection of Shipping Type. The fields will basically allow you manage the price/percentage to add per Shipping Method that you have. If you have chose Tiers for the Shipping Type, then you will need to specify a price for each unit within the tier, for example 1 to 10 units will have an additional shipping price of $3.00 per unit, 11 – 30 will have an additional price of $1.50 per unit and so on.
Ready to Ship
Please note that this feature applies only to the Canada Post Shipping API. It basically tells Canada Post that the product has been packaged and is ready to ship, this allows the API to calculate the shipping price without packaging. This is useful if you wish to custom wrap/pack your products.
Product Variations and Options
Treat pricing as same product
Above the variations you will see the field for “Treat pricing as same product”. This is only really valid if you have set up pricing tiers (discounts applied if more than ‘x’ amount of one product is purchased). To properly explain an example is needed.
Right, 1 product (shirt), 3 colours (green, blue, red), and 3 pricing tiers (1-5 units = $7.50 each, 6-15 units = $5.00 each, 16-30 units = $3.50 each). A customer has placed in his cart 10 shirts: 3 green, 3 blue and 4 red. Technically it should be considered that there are 3 different types of products in the cart when in essence it is just the one type with different product variations. In the situation just described the customer would have received no discount had the setting been put to ‘NO’. If it was set to ‘Yes’ then the customer would be in the second tier (6-15 units) and would only have to pay $5.00 per shirt as opposed to the $7.50 per shirt if it set to ‘NO’
Variation Calculation
Here are two options, namely:
1. On original product price
2. Accumulative on top of one another in order displayed
This setting is specifically applicable to percentage-based variation options. Let’s say you have a product priced at $100, with two variations:
– Small
– Medium +$10
– Large +$20
– Envelope +10%
– Box +20%
If the Medium option is selected under Size, that will increase the price to $110.
Now the question asked by this setting is whether the percentages under the Package variation should apply to the original price of the product ($100) or the price of the selected option Size ($10).
In our example above, assuming a selection of Medium under Size and Box under Package, the overall price would look like this depending on which Variation Calculation option is selected:
1. On original product price: $130 ($100 + $10 + $20)
2. Accumulative on top of one another in order displayed: $112 ($100 + $10 + $2)
Tax Calculation
You can specify whether tax should be calculated on variation option prices or not.
These are the Variations from the Checkout > Product Variations section and ticking them will make them display on the product page. If you have not created any Variations and Options the selection will be empty. If you don’t have variations or you need to add more this can be done by clicking the link, “Add a Product Variation,” at the bottom of the box.
The little up and down arrow symbol next to each variation allows for you to drag and drop the variations into the order you want them to appear on the product page in the front-end of your site.
Deleting/Adding Variations and Options
Adding Variations & Options
You can add a Product Variation and Options while in the, “Save a Product,” screen. In the screenshot above you will see a link at the bottom that says, “Add a Product Variation.” Click on this link to bring up the pop up that allows you to add a variation and options if you want.
Clicking the little link that says, “+ Add an option to this variation,” simply extends the pop up window slightly to reveal more fields in which you can add a Variation Option. The image that can be seen below is simply an extension of the image above.
Variation Option Weight:
Add weight to each variation option which will be calculated on top of your product weight. Fill in the weight in the field as displayed in the image below:
Please Note: Multiple Variation Options can be added in the pop up window.
Variation Options Percentages
Variation Options’ prices can be expressed as monetary amounts, or as percentages to be applied as under “Variation Calculation” above.
Deleting Variations & Options
You can manage the Variations and Options in the, “Save a Product,” screen. Please just remember that this delete is not per product, it is a global delete and will remove the Variations and Options from the Checkout > Product Variations and Checkout > Variation Options section entirely. The entries will be removed from the database and you will not be able to get that content back unless you have a backup which you can restore.
Deleting is much more simple than adding. All you need to do to delete a Variation and all the Options attached to it is to click the red cross next to the Variation title. Clicking the red cross will bring up a small pop up window which basically just needs you to confirm the deleting and make you aware that it is a permanent delete, if you are sure you want to delete the Variation and related Options just click Yes on the pop up.
Use a Variation
In order for a variation to be used and display on the front-end you need to tick the checkboxes next to the variation and its options.
You can select all variations by clicking the Select All checkbox.
Choose the custom fields created under Checkout> Custom Fields that you want to display on this product here.
Other Settings
This allows you to set the brand for the product. These are the brands from the Checkout > Brands section and ticking them will make them display on the product page unless hidden from the Checkout > Configuration section. If you have not created any Brands the selection will be empty. You can always create new Brand and come back and edit the Product at a later stage.
This allows you to set the supplier for the product. These are the suppliers from the Checkout > Suppliers section and ticking them will make them display on the product page unless hidden from the Checkout > Configuration section. If you have not created any Suppliers the selection will be empty. You can always create new Supplier and come back and edit the Product at a later stage.
Add New Supplier
You can add a supplier from here, this is for convenience when adding a new product to add a supplier to it that you don’t already have listed in Checkout > Suppliers.
Supplier Name
Only visible if you clicked “Add New Supplier” button. Simply specify the supplier’s name here and click the “Add Supplier” button when your done.
Affiliate/External Product
You can add products from a different shop to your products list. Simply create the product as you usually would, and when it gets to this section then you need to specify that it is an Affiliate/External Product by clicking the ‘Yes’ button.
This is the unit of measurement for the product. E.g., Unit(s), Bottle(s), Box(es), Bag(s), Liter(s).
Button Text
This is the text displayed on the button for this particular product displayed to the customer when they want to buy the product. By default all product’s button text is set to, “Add to Basket”. Admin and merchant have the ability to specify this text depending on if you have a regular supplier set up with supplier privileges on your site.
Minimum Order
This is the minimum order which is set to -1 which will and a single unit at checkout time. If you require a customer to buy a minimum number of a particular product then set this to the required value, e.g., 2,3,4….20, etc.
Inventory/ Stock
This will indicate the number of items in the inventory. To display an unlimited number of items set this to -1. Setting this to a positive number will reduce the stock level each time an item is sold.
These are keywords that will be used by search engines for SEO purposes and also be used when the user searches your site. Keywords are separated by commas (,) e.g., Pen, blue, ink, Parker
This is essentially a stock code and allows you to identify the product. E.g., P001 or SN123-1929, etc.
Add a barcode for your product. You can add any barcode and it’s optional. The barcode will also be included in your CSV file if you export products.
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