Checkout: Save an Image

Checkout > Product Images > Save an Image

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1. Title

This title/name will be shown throughout the shop to both yourself as administrator and to the customers viewing the front of your shop. Choose this title carefully in order for it to be understandable by your customers viewing your products. Keep the title below 150 characters.

2.  Image File

This allows you to upload an image from your computer. . The image size must be 250px x 250px (or larger).

3. Product

This is dropdown list that lets you attach a Product image to any existing product. Remember that these are additional images. See Checkout>Product Image – Introduction.

4. Saving

When you are done filling in the Title, uploading and image, and selecting a Product and you are satisfied with the details you have entered, click the save button at the bottom of the screen. If you want to make changes or have made a mistake you can always come back later and make alterations

Working with Extra Images?

You can easily manage product images while working on a products. You can add additional images to a product while adding/editing the product by using the ‘Extra Images’ feature. See Checkout > Products > Save a Product.

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