Attach Image(s) to Product

In order to add additional images to a product, go to the “Images” section of the plugin and click the “add new” link a the top. This will take you to a new page, presenting a form which allows you to fill in all the details.

When an image is uploaded for a product, a thumbnail image (based on “Thumbnail Dimensions” configuration setting under the “Extra Product Images” tab of the “Settings” section) and a small image (50px by 50px) is automatically generated and placed on the server, together with the original.


The title/name of the image. This value will be used for the ALT value (sanitized) of the image and for the TITLE attribute of the link of the image linking to the full image when a thumbnail is displayed.

Image File

The actual image file which needs to be uploaded. JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, etc… image formats are supported. A thumbnail and a smaller image are both automatically generated as explained earlier/above.


A select drop down menu displaying all your current products in the database. This is the product to which the image should be assigned to.

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