Checkout: Virtual Merchant / Converge
Virtual Merchant / Converge payment gateway powered by Elavon Network is integrated into the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin and it is ready to be used out of the box. There are just a few settings needed.
1. Configure the plugin
You can configure Virtual Merchant in the plugin under Checkout > Configuration > Payment Methods > Virtual Merchant/Converge.
On the right-hand side, under Payment Methods, tick/select the checkbox for Virtual Merchant to enable it and then set the configuration settings mentioned below.
1.1. Payment Method Name
This is the title/name which will appear to your customers on the Billing page of the checkout procedure.
1.2. Account ID
Fill in your Virtual Merchant account ID as given to you by Virtual Merchant.
1.3. User ID
Fill in your user ID as given by Virtual Merchant. You have the ability to create additional users in your Virtual Merchant panel if needed.
1.4. User PIN
The PIN can be obtained from your Virtual Merchant account under User > Change PIN. It is recommended that you change the PIN before you start using it with the plugin.
2. Configure Virtual Merchant/ Converge
With the configuration settings mentioned above filled into the plugin and saved, Virtual Merchant should work by default without changing anything.
You can review all your payment fields under Terminal > Merchant > Payment Fields.
It is important that the “ssl_invoice_number” field is available and review other fields like the Account Data field to ensure it can be changed on the payment form. See this screenshot:
3. Recurring Payments
Virtual Merchant/Converge recurring payments are included in our WordPress Shopping Cart plugin.
In order to create a recurring product, simply go to Checkout > Products and click “Add New” at the top.
For the “Checkout Type” choose “Recurring Payment” which will display all the available, recurring settings for Virtual Merchant/Converge accordingly.
Then choose your Virtual Merchant payment method for the “Payment Method” setting and you can choose the interval at which it will bill automatically as well. The total price of the order will be used for each charge.
You’ll notice that there are instructions for Export Script and a URL is given. Simply go to Terminal > Advanced > System Setup in your Virtual Merchant/Converge panel, enable “Export Script” and fill in the URL into the fields.
That’s it, you’re done! You can now process recurring Virtual Merchant/Converge/Elavon payments on your WordPress site.
4. Virtual Merchant/Converge Issuers/Banks
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