Release Notes : Shopping Cart Plugin v1.2.4


WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin v1.2.4 Release Notes

  • WordPress 2.7 Integration & Compatibility
    This version of the WordPress e-Commerce plugin is fully compatible with WordPress 2.7.
  • WordPress user registration email notification
    When a WordPress user is automatically registered and logged in during the checkout procedure, the user will receive a username (email address) and a password in order to reuse the account at a later stage again.
  • Different Shipping Types
    This is essentially achieved with a Style and Options. For example, you can create a style named “Shipping Method” then create two options named “FedEx Shipping” and “Regular Mail”. When you create “FedEx Shipping”, you can assign an additional charge to the option so that it can be calculated into the shopping cart.
  • Related Products on Product Page
    You can now easily specify related products for each of your products. To set related products, go to the “Products” section, click on the product title and then click “Related Products” button which will take you to an easy to use drag and drop interface where you can organize your related products. They will be shown on the product page, either below the product details or inside a content tab depending on your preference.
  • Returning Customer Login Form
    In the contact details section of the checkout procedure, two forms are shown. “New Customer” and “Returning Customer”. So returning customers can quickly type their username and password previously sent upon automatic registration to add this order to the customer’s account.
  • WordPress Delete User Action
    When a WordPress user is deleted via the administration panel, it executes the “delete_user” action which gives the shopping cart plugin the ability to quickly remove all Orders, Items and other records related to the user automatically.
  • “Item Cannot Be Saved” Error Message
    With the shopping cart Ajax add to cart feature turned Off, a customer received a “Item cannot be saved” error message when attempting to add a product to the shopping cart the first time due to the fact that a cookie has not been created yet. The item was added upon the second instance of adding to the basket though. This bug has been fixed and a cookie will be set at an earlier stage to prevent this from happening.
  • Buy Now Mode
    The buy now mode can be turned On/Off in the “Settings” section of the plugin. It currently only supports PayPal since the other payment gateways don’t pass customer, shipping and billing details back like PayPal does. The buy now mode skips the shopping cart and checkout procedure completely, immediately taking the customer to the payment gateway. Upon successful payment, PayPal will send a response back to the server which allows the plugin to save the customer, shipping, billing and order details so that you can view it in the administration panel.
  • Search Results Flexibility
    When the WordPress search feature is used, you can put the_content() into your “search.php” template file of your theme to output the content of products and categories being shown in the search results. Additionally, you may turn On/Off short product search results in the “Settings” section of the plugin. It will be turned on by default. So a summarized product overview will be shown in the WordPress search results rather than the full product page.
  • Search Functionality in Admin
    Each of the admin sections of the plugin now has a search box in the top-right so that you can search products, categories, contents, images, files, orders, order items, styles and all other models of the plugin without hassle.
  • Empty Cart Link on Cart Page
    A “Empty shopping cart” link is now available on the shopping cart page. Upon clicking it, the customer will be presented with a confirmation message, which will upon confirmation remove all current order items from the shopping cart currently in use.

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