Checkout v1.6.9 Release Notes
-WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.6.9 release notes.
- Products search results in it’s own search page.
- Copy/duplicate a product.
- File upload custom field.
- Drag/drop interface to sort/order payment fields.
- New overview page with totals, orders, stock and a charg/graph.
- Ability to delete current serial key on the Plugins page.
- View each supplier’s products individually.
- CIM integration (extension).
- Guest Checkout (extension).
- Echo Global Logistics (extension).
- Canada Nunavut province added to states/provinces.
- Date range (from/to) filter in the Orders section.
- Percentage price for product variation options.
- “Continue Editing?” checkbox when saving a product.
- Variation calculation procedure setting per product.
- PayPal address override setting.
- Product feeds & sitemap (extension).
- Featured products.
- Date picker custom field min/max date options.
- Supplier role in WordPress for suppliers.
- Customer role in WordPress for new users/customers via checkout.
- Date picker custom field active days of the week (Mon – Sun).
- Buy now mode for all payment methods.
- Setting for truncating the product description in list view loop.
- [raw] tags around shortcodes for compatibility with some themes.
- Products/items, global custom fields and variations/custom fields in orders CSV export.
- Flexible products import CSV fields.
- Custom post types for products, categories and suppliers.
- Improved Canada Post error messages/debugging.
- Related products interface with scrolling.
- TimThumb upgrade from 2.8.9 to 2.8.10.
- “No default” option for product variation options on products.
- Credit card logos/icons for self-hosted credit card payment methods.
- Import products CSV performance improvements.
- Default “- Select -” value for states/provinces during checkout.
- jQuery UI elements border-radius for Firefox.
- Order editing screen improvements.
- Add Pinterest to product page social links/icons.
- Improvements on the roles/permissions table.
- New style and functionality for ordering/sorting of items throughout the plugin.
- Change mysql_list_fields() to a compatible function.
- Call TinyMCE dialog with an Ajax call rather than directly to the file.
- Hide retail/wholesale prices on product in admin when using donation product.
- Update Moneybookers to Skrill (Moneybookers).
- Products additional shipping must add to API shipping.
- Continue shopping link setting.
- Stop generating blank orders for all users, uses carts now.
- osCommerce products import images are not saved.
- Paging and sorting the loop overlaps with many pages.
- Product page “Length” is spelled incorrectly.
- Out of stock variation option was selected after image enlargement.
- Fixes to the supplier permissions and related supplier functions.
- PayPal Pro/ AIM doesn’t display errors on failure.
- Zero price text setting is ineffective.
- Multi-site support for TimThumb images.
- “Set as for sale” bulk action under Products is ineffective.
- Custom/manual payment method makes other payment methods go missing.
- FedEx not calculating weight on units/qty.
- List/grid view mode icons don’t work.
- Shipping tiers width and scrollable container in admin.
- Variations editing on a product uses the same ID.
- “Calculating…” issue in list view when custom fields/variations are shown.
- Redirect from USPS service/rate selection to a blank page.
- Ajax issues with other roles than ‘administrator’ and current_user_can() function.
- Broken image thumbnail when viewing a shop category in admin.
- Fix jQuery UI tabs + Google Analytics for WordPress plugin problem.
- Moved “Updates” to the main “Checkout” menu in admin.
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