Echo Global Logistics Extension
WordPress Shopping Cart plugin: Echo Global Logistics Extension
The Echo Global Logistics extension plugin has the following requirements:
1. Make sure that you have the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin installed and that you have purchased the Echo Global Logistics extension plugin.
2. Download the Echo Global Logistics extension plugin from the downloads management section in a ZIP archive (you may need to login to your Tribulant Software account in order to access your download).
3. Extract the ZIP archive named
in order to be presented with a single folder named checkout-echo
4. Upload the checkout-echo
folder to the wp-content/plugins/
directory of your WordPress installation, like seen in the example image below.
Once you have installed the Echo Global Logistics extension plugin via FTP you need to activate it.
To activate it you need to go to the normal Plugins > Installed Plugins section via your admin sidebar. There you will see the extension as a plugin listed amongst other plugins, look at the screenshot below.
Once you activate the plugin, then in “Checkout > Extensions” section, the Echo Global Logistics Shipping Method is now available to be activated. When you hover over it a red “Activate” will appear, once activated the red message on the right becomes green text stating “Installed and Activated“.
To configure the Echo Global Logistics Shipping Method to work on your site and serve as a shipping method for the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin you need to visit the “Checkout > Shipping Methods” section where all active shipping methods are listed. Scroll until you find the “Echo” option as seen in the screenshot below. Hover your mouse over the item to make the row options appear (Edit | Delete), and click on “Edit”:
Make sure you have your account details from Echo Global Logistics ready for the next page, “Save a Shipping Method“, in order to configure the Echo Global Logistics shipping method:
1. Name
Enter a name that represents the Echo Global shipping method (it will be displayed on your website in the checkout process).
2. Fixed Price
Leave this as 0 (zero) since the Echo Global API will be used.
3. Status
Select “Active” or “Inactive”, depending on whether the shipping method should currently be active on the site or not.
4. Use API
Select the “Echo” API for this shipping method.
5. Enter the relevant user info from your account at Echo Global Logistics.
Echo Global Logistics can now optionally be set as the default shipping method for the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin, under “Checkout > Configuration > Tax & Shipping > Global Shipping Configuration”
The plugin will take your Echo Global account information and send a request through to Echo on the shipping step of the checkout procedure to calculate shipping for the order. Included in the request is the origin address, destination address, order weight/dimensions and other data.
Echo will respond to the plugin request with a list of services/rates available based on the shipment and the available carriers. These services/rates include multiple carriers to choose from, making it flexible for your customers at all times.
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