Checkout: Action – checkout_admin_pmethods_metaboxes
The checkout_admin_pmethods_metaboxes
action hook lets you do something when the metaboxes are registered for the Checkout > Configuration > Payment Methods section.
You can use this to add your own metabox with settings for your own payment method for example.
Use the action hook like this:
add_action('checkout_admin_pmethods_metaboxes', 'pmethods_metaboxes', 10, 1);
– The current dashboard page slug for the metaboxes
function pmethods_metaboxes($page = null) { add_meta_box('mypmethod', "My Payment Method", "settings", $page, 'normal', 'core'); } function settings() { //output HTML here for settings as needed } add_action('checkout_admin_pmethods_metaboxes', 'pmethods_metaboxes', 10, 1);
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