Checkout 1.8.6 release notes
WordPress Shopping Cart plugin 1.8.6 release notes
- Extra file attachment on order receipt/invoice emails
- ‘checkout_image_attributes’ Filter Hook
- Preparation for multilingual integration
- Setting on product to allow customer to choose once-off/recurring
- eWay Rapid 3.1 API (extension)
- PayPal Pro setting to display order summary on payment page
- Setting to calculate tax before/after discount was applied
- Applicable zip/postal codes per shipping method
- Display carts cleanout schedule under Checkout > Orders section
- Setting to include pdf in invoice email
- Remove ‘testcookie’ ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported
- Updated product page sharing/social buttons
- Show update notification to users with ‘edit_plugins’ capability only
- Button to hide update notification
- Allow HTML in invoice, custom fields and other places
- Do not create carts unnecessarily
- Improvements to eWay AU Shared payment gateway
- New credit card icon images
- New invoice settings interface
- Updated welcome/about page
- Show items in cart from first added to last added
- New country selection interface on shipping methods
- PayGate PayXML IP Address added to request for PayProtector
- Improved product save page content areas metabox integration
- has_archive for custom post types to allow better breadcrumbs
- Use flush_rewrite_rules() to ensure custom post type permalinks work
- Text inputs for page drop downs for sites with many pages
- Change “Donate Caption” to “Variable Caption” in admin
- Replace ddSlick with Select2
- User ID becomes 0 on orders in some cases
- Duplicate shop page output with [checkout_search]
- Catchable fatal error with username preference if it exists
- Orders/carts clean out not working consistently
- Post/page link when viewing supplier is broken in admin
- BluePay Expiry date
- Double quotes on product variations
WordPress Plugins
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