Checkout: MonsterPay


The WordPress Shopping Cart plugin has the MonsterPay payment gateway fully integrated and ready to use out of the box. This payment method accept credit card payments and instant EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) on your website.

Setting up the MonsterPay payment gateway


1. Title/Caption

In the text box provided, you can specify the title of the payment method as the customer will see on “Step 2: Billing” in the checkout process. You may want to specify that it is used for Credit Card payments, else just call it ‘MonsterPay‘.

2. Merchant Identifier

This Merchant identifier will by provided by MonsterPay.

3. MonsterPay Username

This is the username (usually the email address) used to login to MonsterPay.

4. MonsterPay Password

The Password (for username) provided by MonsterPay.

MonsterPay Shopping Cart Interface


Allow the user to select MonsterPay as payment gateway on the Shopping cart page of you online store.

MonsterPay Interface

Step 1: Sign In


Order summary and sign in page to the MonsterPay payment gateway.

Step 2: Shipping


You customer will need to choose their delivery address for shipping purpose. They will be able to enter new shipping details, which will be filled in with shipping details added on the shopping cart shipping step.

Step 3: MonsterPay Payment Page


Your customer will be able to select between two payment methods. Credit card payment and instant EFT payment.

After a successful payment has been made, the customer will be redirected back to the shopping cart.

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