
Use the Wholesale extension for additional pricing features in the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin.

Different Pricing

Add a different price for different user roles per product. When a user is registered as a customer you can set it that they pay a certain amount and another user registered as contributor/ administrator pay another amount for the product. It makes the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin flexible in a way to set different prices per product per role.

Different Tax Rates

Override tax rates per user role. This will override any other tax configurations completely for each role respectively. Specify zero (0) to make tax exempt for a specific user role. If you leave a tax rate empty below, it will fall back to the default tax configuration

Manage Members

Get the Members plugin for free to manage user roles and members on your system. Members is a plugin that extends your control over your blog. It's a user, role and content management plugin that was created to make WordPress a more powerful CMS.

View detailed documentation on the Wholesale extension plugin for installation and usage .

Features of this WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin Extension

  • extension-plugin

    Extension Plugin

    Install Wholesale as an extension plugin for additional pricing and tax features in the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin

  • different-pricing

    Different Pricing

    Add a different price for different user roles per product. It makes the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin flexible in a way to set different prices per product per role.

  • different-tax-rates

    Different Tax Rates

    Override tax rates per user role. This will override any other tax configurations completely for each role respectively.

Video of the Wholesale extension