[SOLVED] Plain text version of newsletters


Plug-in is working very well on the whole. Thank you.

Some subscribers have set their preference to be plain text.

The plain text email is sent, but it is sent without any carriage returns (


At the moment the email just comes out as a single stream of text.

Additionally the plain text version does not include the unsubscribe and view online links that the HTML version includes.

You help is appreciated.


  • 3 Comments sorted by
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    Thank you for your post.

    There was a problem with the plain text version.
    I believe it was fixed in 4.1.2. Are you running this version?

    If that does not resolve it, we may have it in our latest development.
    Then we can send you a new build if you open a ticket for it: http://tribulant.com/support/

    All the best,
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    Yes, running 4.1.2 - will open a support ticket.  Thank you for a quick response.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    Thank you for your response.

    And for your ticket as well, we received the ticket.

    The fix wasn't in 4.1.2, it is only in our latest development.
    We'll have a release for this shortly.

    In the meanwhile, we've installed the latest development build for you with the details specified in the ticket.
    That solves the problem with the text part of the emails in the newsletter plugin not showing.

    I'll reply to your ticket momentarily as well.
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