Gallery preview

Hi, is there any way to show a preview of a collection of galleries, wich can be clicked to be shown?
Thank you


  • 5 Comments sorted by
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    Thank you for your post.

    The Slideshow Gallery plugin currently doesn't have a slideshow/gallery preview feature unfortunately. The only way to preview would be to put the slideshow into a post or page to see what it looks like.

    We have added this to our development list for the Slideshow Gallery plugin now so that we can add it to a future release of the plugin accordingly. Thank you for the suggestion, it will make a great feature.

    All the best,
  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    Thanks for your reply.
    I'm glad of this feature coming in the future, but it's not exactly what I was asking for. Probably my fault, since my english level is limited.
    With gallery preview I meant the possibility to have a list of galleries with a thumbnail each, which can be  clicked to be viewed.
    Now I'm not sure at all if it's the same you said :)
    Thank you!

  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    Thank you for your response, Miquel.

    Oh, I see what you're saying...

    So you want a post/page with a grid or list of all the galleries, each with a thumbnail and then when you go into the gallery, it will show the slideshow with the images of that gallery, right?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    Yes, exactly that.
    Previously I was using NextGen Gallery plugin, which has that feature.
    Now I'm using your plugin because it fits better my needs, but I'm missing that feature which I think it's great, also.
    I hope you find it a good suggestion :)
    Thank you for your awesome plugin,


  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    Thank you for your response, Miquel.

    We have added this feature to the development list of the Slideshow Gallery plugin.
    We hope to have this in the near future in a release.

    In the meanwhile, let us know if you need any other assistance.
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