Help Changing Detail of Item View in Checkout
I want to change the layout of the detailed view of items in this cart installation:
I understand the basics of child theme and understand from reading that I will change the view.php file and then save it to .../wp-content/themes/[my theme/checkout/views/default/products/view.php
What I want to do is a bit too advanced for me to figure out from looking at this page. I think maybe I need to change more than just this one page. Image attached with what I want. Your default view has the checkout block in an align block and I want it instead to always be at the top of the view, with maybe a 400 pix wide setting (i.e. not spread clear across the column if the viewer has a wide monitor). I want the description to come next, under the picture and the add-to-cart block; and then underneath that the 'always' message that I have set for this client; and underneath that the category information and social buttons.
I am a decent php programmer so have no trouble modifying, but not that clear on how all of these interact. Would appreciate directions as to your suggestion for which thing to modify.
Thanks much.
