[Solved] Autoresponders not being sent
After someone signs up for my newsletter I have two autoresponders set up. The first sends a response immediately and the second is set to fire after 7 days. The first set are sent but I have checked and the second set are not. This used to work but certainly has not over the past week or so. All I can say is that this was working some time in May.
Has anyone else observed something similar?
Thank you for your post.
Just some questions regarding autoresponders:
I look forward to your response once you've checked.
The subscribers are active but when I look at the tasks, although they are 'active' the next scheduled run times are all in the past.
Just now it tells me that the current server time is 2015-07-22 21:37:51 but run time for:
email queue Every 2 Minutes - 2015-07-13 16:20:45
autoresponder emails Once Hourly - 2015-07-07 15:30:47
optimize database Once Daily - 2015-07-08 13:05:43
Clearly something is amiss!
Will you please click the reschedule link on your Autoresponder Emails task to see if it helps?
If the issue persists we suggest that you open a new ticket under our helpdesk: http://www.tribulant.com/support along with your website WordPress login details so we can have our team taking a closer look into this issue for you.
All the best!
Reschedule appears to work for the email queue and autoresponders but not optimize database, it is still stucvk at 8th July. These things are supposed to work automatically, what on earth stops then and then requires manual intervention with reschedule?
We actually have a blog post on this matter, you can see it here: http://tribulant.com/blog/wordpress-2/replace-wordpress-cron-with-real-cron-for-site-speed/
Please let us know if it helps ok?
All the best!
Already doing this. I have told the plugin to use server cron not wp cron and have teh correct line in the config.php file. When I look at the scheduled tasks in the plugin the email queue says that it is using server cron but the header above the table says that wp cron is being used and the autoresponder time is only updated when I manually reschedule.
Please use the WordPress cron in the Newsletter plugin.
Set this under Newsletters > Configuration > General > Email Scheduling.
Then switch your entire WordPress installation's cron to a real, server cron job using this guide: http://tribulant.com/blog/wordpress-2/replace-wordpress-cron-with-real-cron-for-site-speed/
That way all your WordPress cron jobs will fire accurately and timely.
Just ensure that your server/hosting supports cron jobs and that it works.
Did you manage with this issue with the autoresponder emails not going out?
I look forward to your response so that we can assist you further if needed.
I have an autoresponder follow up email waiting to be sent in a few days. If this does not work I shall be back in touch!
I assume that the autoresponders worked out fine?
Please post back if there are any further problems.
Nope, I just checked and the 7 day follow up should have been sent yesterday. I went into the scheduled tasks and selected run now to the the email sent. It seems that any task that is rescheduled runs just once and is not rescheduled again.
Ok I believe best would be if you submit a ticket to us so that we can resolve it for you since this has been an ongoing issue. Please submit a ticket with a link and WordPress login details here: http://tribulant.com/support/
We look forward to hearing from you.
The autoresponder issue has been resolved in of the Newsletter plugin.
See the full release notes here, please: http://tribulant.com/docs/wordpress-mailing-list-plugin/10090