Center the images inside the slider

edited September 2015 in Slideshow Gallery plugin


I try to center the images in the slider.

The code I use in slideshow-gallery\views\default\css-responsive.php (there is no gallery-css.php???) is:

<code> #<?php echo $styles['wrapperid']; ?> #image<?php echo $unique; ?> { max-width:100%; margin: 0 auto; }

    #<?php echo $styles['wrapperid']; ?> #image<?php echo $unique; ?> img { border:none; border-radius:0; box-shadow:none; position:absolute; height:auto; max-width:100%; margin:0 auto; display:block;} </code>

The max-width is because of the vertical images. The images are all aligned left.

What is wrong?

Thanks for answere


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