[SOLVED] After creating a security certificate for site, slideshow doesn't play nice.
After installing a security certificate on our site (urbanevo.com), I installed the Force SSL WordPress plugin. For the majority of media, this is no problem, and all the images and such are now served via HTTPS.
But when I went through the slideshow gallery tables and changed the URLs from "http://urbanevo.com" to "https://urbanevo.com" the slideshow images would no longer resize / thumbnails would be displayed as full-size images, etc.
I undid my changes, but I want to know what steps to take to get our slideshow to play nice with HTTPS. Can anyone advise?
Thank you for your post, I'll assist you to resolve this.
And if we have to make an improvement to the plugin, we can.
What type of images are your slides?
Are they uploaded, media or from URL?
Those are the options given when you add a new slide.
I look forward to your response.
They're an amalgam of jpg and png files, and all uploaded media, no URLs.
Take a look at the main slideshow at https://urbanevo.com/ for an example. I'm allowing those requests from the slideshow plugin to WP's media library to be HTTP instead of HTTPS at the moment, so it's working fine.
Is this the WordPress Force SSL plugin you're using? https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-force-ssl/
Or a different one?
I tested with the one above and another plugin called WordPress HTTPS (SSL) and they both did convert the image URLs to https:// (SSL) as they should.
Here is the WordPress HTTPS plugin I tested as well: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-https/
Also make sure that you set your Site and Home URLs to https:// under "Settings" in WordPress.
I look forward to your response.
But I have the time to dedicate to resolving this now. So the plugin I'm using is:
But I'm happy to try a different one. We're still having the same issue.
Thank you for your message.
We will test the slideshow gallery with this plugin. It might be an issue in the "ForceSSL" plugin. https://github.com/phikai/wordpress-force-https
Would it be possible to use another SSL plugin? We test it on our dev site and it's working fine. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-https/
However, where before I had a list of separate items being requested by the slideshow via HTTP in the debug panel, now I have this instead in the network debug:
Can you please open a support ticket with a link to your site for us to investigate your issue?
Thank you for creating your ticket with us.
We'll continue to assist you there in our help desk.
I noticed that you have a very old version of the Slideshow Gallery plugin installed. You have version while the latest version is 1.6.4. I sent you the latest version in our help desk to install to resolve the problem.
I see that you replied to your ticket, we'll post a reply back there shortly.
Your main issue was related to both your home and site URL set to http:// (non-SSL).
Specifically related to your site, it's defined in your config.php file.
Changing both the home and site url to https in config.php seems to resolve your issue.
I'm marking this as solved.