[Solved] Multipart emails?
In the Send Settings section of the main configuration page there is a "Send Multipart Emails" option. But, users and newsletters can only select HTML or Text and when I view the source for test emails I send myself, I only see one or the other (depending on my subscriber setting). Am I missing something here or is this a bug?
Thank you for your post.
When you turn on multi-part/multi-mime newsletters in the Newsletter plugin it sends multi-part (HTML and TEXT) versions to HTML subscribers.
Subscribers who choose plain TEXT will continue to just receive plain TEXT.
Thank you for your response.
I see that you have another discussion in our forums regarding the line break and text newsletters. We're investigating that and will post a reply back there soon.
But yes, a line break before the content starts will result in the content being trimmed, cutting off any space before and after the content.
I'll mark this one as [Solved] then we'll get back to you on the other discussion.