I've got lots of little extra code after the 1st radio button option.
I'm running WordPress 3.5 with Checkout
Is there anything I can do to clean up that display a little bit? I'd like to not freak out customers.
Everything else seems to be working perfectly on this install.
Thank you for your post.
I see you're using a rather outdated version of the Shopping Cart plugin with WordPress 3.5. The update to version 3.5 of WordPress threw the cat among the pigeons for many plugins and we also had to hurriedly update the Shopping Cart plugin to comply. Also those HTML entities were converted in a later version.
Are you able to update your Shopping Cart plugin to the latest version? You can find installation/update instructions here:
I look forward toy your reply.
I'm surprised - it SHOULDN'T look like that... are you perhaps using a custom Shopping Cart theme which you simply carried over from the old version to the new? That would explain it.
From time to time there are necessary changes to theme folders as well, which might explain what's happening. It's actually never a good idea, really, to edit any files in the Shopping Cart plugin. One should try to change the look of the pages using only CSS as far as possible (either in the Custom CSS settings or in a child theme - more information under "Checkout > Configuration > General > Theme, Scripts & Custom CSS" at the bottom of the page).
I hope this helps, Dena? Please let me know if you need further support.
Best regards,