Please modernize the date picker with a year jumper.
The date picker can only advance by months. This is unusable for collecting Date-of-Births. The addition of a year-advancer (<< >>) that are now used in every modern date picker would be more than welcome.
Also, some date pickers allow a choice of a preset starting point or the current date. I honestly don't know if jquery offers this or not.
Also, some date pickers allow a choice of a preset starting point or the current date. I honestly don't know if jquery offers this or not.
Collecting a Date-of-Birth is one of the most important functions of this s/w for me.
Thank you for the feedback on this.
I'm adding this to our development list so that we can create a setting for this on the custom field specifically. To give more flexibility on the datepicker custom field in order to show the years switcher as you mentioned.
We will include this into a future release of our Shopping Cart plugin.