abs path for embedded images

edited March 2013 in Newsletter plugin
Hi there,
I'm thinking about buying the Newsletter unlimited + The embedded images unlimited.
Is it possible, in case of a multisite, to define a directory for the embedded images per site?


  • 6 Comments sorted by
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    Hi Ronald,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    The answer to your question is yes, absolutely. In each case, whenever the Embedded Images extension plugin is activated on a site in the network, a folder for the images is auto-created and shown inside the Newsletter plugin's configuration settings. You could change the folder location if necessary.

    I hope that answers your question, Ronald?

    Please save the following coupon code that you can use to apply a 10% purchase to this and all future purchases from our site (http://tribulant.com): 10OFFP

    For your convenience, a link to the Newsletter plugin page:

    The Embedded Images extension plugin:

    You might also consider the Total MS Control extension plugin, which gives you granular control over the Newsletter plugin's activation, serial key and restrictions per site in a Multisite network setup:

    I trust this helps Ronald?

    Please feel free to reply with any further questions you might have.

    Best regard,

  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    OK Phil, thx!!!

    Damn, I forgot to use the 10% off coupon...
  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    Hi Phil,

    Thought I'd let you know:
    I activated the Embedded Images extension on 2 sites, and found out that the extension uses the same dir for both of them:

    I can adjust this off course, I know.


  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    Hi Ronald,

    Thanks for your reply.

    My apologies - in answering your question I was not 100% sure, so I went and look at the file structure on our development site (silly me). Anyway - our latest development build of the Embedded Images extension plugin (which is ready to be released shortly, pending administrative work) does in fact create a separate folder for each site in the network.

    If you want I could send you the latest build via Dropbox, or would you prefer to wait for the release? I can't give you an ETA on the release, save that it will be soon.

    Best regards,

  • Vote Up0Vote Down
    No problem Phil, thanks for the reply.
    I'll wait for the release or come back to you when my impatience grows.
    Have several other things to do...

    Best regards,
  • Vote Up0Vote Down

    Thanks for the reply Ronald!

    No problem at all, give us a shout anytime if you have any further questions or support requests.

    Best regards,


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