[Solved] Email scheduling intervals
I would like to send 14 emails every 15 seconds. Amazon allows 14 emails per second. The send per every 2 minutes setting is too long an interval.
What can I change in the code to fix this?
What can I change in the code to fix this?
" You can add your own schedules using the cron_schedules filter of WordPress.
See this: https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/cron_schedules "
Thank you for your post and for the follow-up.
Yes, using the WordPress cron_schedules filter is the solution to creating your own intervals for sending emails from the queue of the Newsletters plugin.
There may be a plugin to create custom WordPress cron schedules with an interface instead of code though, like this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cronjob-scheduler/
I'm also needing to send mails faster....100 every 2 minutes is just too slow for our lists....
Using that plugin mentioned above...what else would need to be done to speed things up?
I'm a little confused here... I have my emails per interval set to 500 right now and the Schedule Interval set to every 2 minutes...... but when I look at my Email queue it looks like it is only sending 100 every 2 minutes....
"One batch is displayed at a time with the emails in the batch.
A batch can have 1 to 100 emails in it."
What would be the solution ramp this up?