Click on category image to open products page

I am looking for a way to open a products page by clicking on a category image. Right now you can click on the category name, but not the images. Site is:



  • 3 Comments sorted by
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    Hi toonin99,

    Thanks for your post.

    You should set the setting "Link Thumbnail To" under Checkout > Configuration > Products & Images > Products Loop/Paging to "Product Page." That will then apply to both category loop thumbnails and product loop thumbnails.

    I hope that helps? I look forward to your reply.

    Kind regards,

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    Thanks for your response. The checkout>configuration is already set up that way. When I click on the image it just goes to a page with the same image on it.

    I'm hoping I may ask one more question. My client wants to remove "Diner's Club" as one of her credit card payment methods. I have unchecked it, along with all but Visa, MasterCard and Amex, but all are still showing in the dropdown selection.
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    Thanks for your reply.

    That sounds rather odd.. would you want us to investigate for you? If yes, could you submit a support request at with WordPress login details and the link to your site for us please?

    Also please include a link to this forum post so we could update it afterwards.

    I look forward  to your reply!

    Kind regards,

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