[SOLVED] Align Image in Banner Widget

How I can align Banner Widget in sidebar?
I have sidebar 250px and widget with 120px ad image. This image align left, but I want align center.
Only css?


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    Thank you for getting in contact with us.

    Yes, you can use CSS to center align your banners. Can you please provide your website URL so we can take a closer look into it and prepare the code for you?

    We`ll look forward to your response in order to proceed.

    All the best!
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    I know this is an old post but stil the solution is simple.

    In the wp-banners CSS file (wp-banners-default) add:

    .wpbrbanner {
    margin: 0 auto;
    /* banner css */

    This apply to all banners in your site...
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    Thank you for posting your CSS solution to this for the Banner Rotator plugin, we appreciate it.
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