Problems with Slideshow gallery + ACF, button don't output short code

Im using WordPress 3.5.1 and the twentyten theme.
I'm using advanced custom fields (ACF) and Slideshow gallery together.

I have created a custom field that is a wysiwyg editor. When i push the button to insert a gallery i get some options to fill in, but when i cklick ok to output the shortcode nothing happens.

 I've checked the settings for ACF and "Run filter "the_content"?" is selected "Yes".

I can write the shortcode by hand in the field and the slideshow works, but I just want to click the button to get the shortcode (it's easier for my custom to use, than to write code)

I've googled and searched this forum for the answer but didn't find it so I hope there is someone hwo can help me!



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    Hi Frida,

    Thanks for your post.

    Would it be possible for us to login to your site to check it out first hand? If so, kindly submit a support ticket at, and provide us with WordPress admin login details and FTP access (just in case).

    Please also add a link to this forum post in the support ticket.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Kind regards,

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