Phil, Yes I was able to figure out that it was shipping.php. That's why I close the thread - I should have said I figured it out (sorry). I opened a new thread with the "real" questions. Thanks!
I will leave as is, but it would be nice to have this option down the road. I see it in quite a few email receipts where I have pruchased books. Thanks!
Finally found the file to change the Invoice Subject line - wpcheckout-plugin.php. Also was able to customize the invoice. I am going to mark this a solved and open another toppic for download question.
Figured out # 3 - had a typo in th Merchant/Admin email address field.
Just to clairify #3 - this email would be used for order fufillment. - Thanks!
Also would like to send this field as a hidden field to Authorize.net so I can have it print as one of my customer defined fields on the Authorize.net auto-receipt.
Phil, I figured it out - my prices are $9.99, $18.95 and $29.95 - when it sorted it came out in this order $18.95, 29.95 and 9.99. - which is sorted correctly based on what data type the field price is set to in the data base - (i.e. 1, 2, 9) I we…
Basically - I have only 2 questions now - (worked my way through the others)... 1. I don't want the title to link - it is already on the page. 2. Is there a way to display the SKU code in the Grid Loop? I will keep plugging a way to see if I can get…
Thanks for you reply - I was able to take what you gave me above and apply to categories.