Checkout: Orders

ordersShopping Cart plugin > Orders

In the Shopping Cart plugin Checkout > Orders section you can see all your existing orders. From this page you can view and edit existing orders or you can manually create new orders if needed.

The orders are layed out in a table form where each row is a different order and each column tells you specific details on the relevant order.

You can use the filters at the top of Manage Orders page  to filter which orders are shown, this is often useful to see only completed (or uncompleted) orders. You can filter to a specific payment method and other criteria as well.

Ultimately, this page is meant to give you as much control over the products bought from from shop as possible. There are many other useful features on this page which have not been mentioned above, so give it a try and see what can be done.

To see products associated with particular order numbers, you should go to the Checkout > Order Items section where you will see a similar table with products instead of order numbers.

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