5 Web Design Tips To Keep in Mind For Your Local Business Website

Your brick and mortar business’ website is the online face of your brand.

Whether your website allows users to buy your products or not, it should at least be appealing enough to attract them. Plus, the content has to be spot on, and all of this can’t happen without keeping in mind the most important web design factors.

And in this blog post, we are discussing five of those web design factors in the form of tips. So, buckle up and find out.


1. Include Contact Details

If you own a brick and mortar business, acquiring local leads will always be a priority for you. However, you may miss out on a big chunk of local leads if you do not mention your business address and contact details on your website.

So, pick a well-highlighted section on your website, add clean margins and add your business’ address and contact details.

You can also consider adding a map to your store, so people near your business’ location can easily navigate to reach you.


2. Display a Clear Business Description

When you are running a business, you would want your prospects to know what your business is about.

This can easily be done by creating and uploading a clear business description on your website. So, whether you run a restaurant or a local garage, get a crisp description written for your business and upload it in a suitable section on your website.

Business descriptions are generally most suitable for about us pages. In fact, your website’s about us page is a place where you can express the emotion that drives your business.


3. Pick a Good CMS

The CMS that you pick for your website largely determines how easy or tricky the website handling process is going to be.

If you want to be able to make changes to your website as and when you wish, it will make sense to use a CMS like WordPress. WordPress is the most popular content management system of the present times, and it has been so for several years.


Well, the ease of access is unmatched to date, and literally, anyone with basic computer skills can design and build a decent website with WordPress.

Apart from that, if you have very specific requirements regarding your website, you can choose to build it from scratch, and for that, you may need to get in touch with a Spokane Web Design company. This will surely help you.


4. Use Local Slang

The local jargon and language can kindle a great sense of belongingness among your audience.

As they might have spent a lot of time communicating in that particular language, they might feel more connected to it.

So, whether it’s a web page or a blog post, try to keep the language as local as possible.


5. Prioritize Page Speed

Over 50% of web users leave a website that doesn’t load in under three seconds.

This may simply rule out a lot of your competitors and you as well. Solution?

Focus on page speed. Take a page speed test today, and check out how fast or slow your website loads. For that, you can visit Google Pagespeed Insights or GTMetrix.

The result pages on both tools will give you enough intel about the factors that are making your website load slowly. And then, you can fix them one by one.


Wrapping up

Website design is a major factor, deciding whether or not your website will be liked by your audience. In this post, we mentioned several web design tips that can help you attract customers for your brick and mortar business.

Hopefully, this was helpful.

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