Plugin Information

Feature content in an animated, JavaScript powered slideshow gallery showcase on your WordPress website with ease of use and integration.
The WordPress Slideshow Gallery plugin uses a jQuery JavaScript library for its slideshow and the JavaScript is correctly enqueued into WordPress to prevent conflict with 3rd-party plugins and themes.

Utilise WordPress Media
The slideshow gallery plugin for WordPress gives you the ability to either manage your own, custom slides to display or it can use the gallery images uploaded to WordPress posts through the media uploader.

Easy to Integrate
It is extremely easy and quick to put slideshow galleries into your WordPress posts/pages with the use of WordPress shortcodes. Each slideshow can display a different set of images.
Hardcoding the slideshow gallery into your WordPress theme is also a breeze with a single line of code and a detailed set of instructions in the documentation over at the WordPress codex.

Make it Your Own
A full blown configuration section allows you to tweak and tune the plugin according to your needs and preferences.
Not only can you set speeds, intervals and sizes of elements but you can also change colors and other factors related to the appearance and style of your slideshows.

Multilingual Ready
The Slideshow Gallery plugin is fully integrated with (m)qTranslate. It now supports internationalisation and multilanguage through qTranslate and mqTranslate.
Plugin Features
- Animated, JavaScript Powered
- Multiple Galleries
- Custom Gallery Slides
- Slideshow from Products
- Configuration Settings
- Gallery from Media Uploader
- Change Appearance & Styles
- TinyMCE button for easy insert
- Multilingual
Plugin Screenshots
Extension Plugin
Install SEO as an extension plugin in addition to the core Shopping Cart plugin to add the search engine optimization feature to your shop.
Colorbox image overlay
Optionally, image slide links can open in a Thickbox image overlay on the current page.
Slideshow with top thumbnails
You can put the thumbnail bar at the top of the slideshow and have the larger images below based on your needs/preference.
Slideshow with bottom thumbnails
You can enable the thumbnails strip to show below the slideshow for easy navigation.
Insert into posts/pages
With the TinyMCE editor button you can easily insert slideshows into posts/pages on your website.