Checkout: Save a Brand

Checkout > Brands > Save a Brand


1. Title

This is the name of the Brand. Try to keep names to 150 characters and try and avoid abbreviations so that you do not create duplicate entries of the same brand.

2. Logo

This is the logo of the Brand, upload an image for the logo. It’s optional.

3. Description

Add a description for your brand.

4. Keyword

Add keywords for you brand in order for search optimization to pick up your brands.

5. Status

Make this brand active or inactive.

6. Saving

When you are done filling in the Title, uploading and image (if you choose to),  etc  and you are satisfied with the details you have entered, click the save button at the bottom of the screen. If you want to make changes or have made a mistake you can always come back later and make alterations.

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