Checkout v1.4 Release Notes
- FIX: Supplier pages were not created
- FIX: Edit/Delete Product/Category/Supplier links are broken on the front-end.
- FIX: Problem with quantity not being inserted when “how many?” box is hidden in list/grid view.
- FIX: addtocart_action in products/loop.php
- FIX: When editing an order item, it doesn’t save shipping status just increases the quantity with one.
- FIX: Input fields on the ‘Contacts’ page of the checkout procedure were overlapping the table structure in Internet Explorer.
- FIX: Viper’s Video Quicktags breaking the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor
- FIX: AIM x_exp_date
- FIX: Incorrect widget being referenced for the Ajax cart if previous widgets were removed.
- FIX: Escaped content displaying slashes
- FIX: [wpcoproducts] per page
- FIX: Fixed per page setting on [wpcoproducts] shortcode
- ADD: Ability to show certain widgets such as products, categories and suppliers as drop down menus.
- ADD: Integrate custom fields with the custom/manual payment method so that they can be displayed on the Billing page.
- ADD: Ability to not show the supplier info in the product listing
- ADD: Option in cart widget to just show the total and not the items and stuff
- ADD: Setting to turn on/off the TinyMCE button in the editor.
- ADD: Shipping, billing and customer details are displayed when an order is viewed.
- ADD: A ‘Email the Customer’ link in the ‘Orders’ section
- ADD: Company name, phone number and fax number fields to the billing page of the checkout procedure.
- ADD: Products bulk action to change type digital/tangible
- ADD: Default, fixed, global shipping method to calculate shipping immediately on the front-end
- ADD: Global Tax calculation
- ADD: Ability to put currency symbol before/after price
- ADD: Currency – Romanian Leu (RON)
- ADD: Shop categories widget setting to specify whether only main categories or all categories should be shown.
- ADD: Configuration setting to control whether or not post/page content should be automatically updated as well as the other aspects like title, parent, children, etc.
- ADD: Realex payments test mode by appending “test” to ACCOUNT
- ADD: Password preference configuration settings so that new customers can type their own password during checkout.
- ADD: Configuration setting to turn On/Off new user notification sent to the customer during checkout.
- ADD:Manual Payment for Cheques. merge with bank wire feature and make more flexible
- ADD: When editing order, you can set as paid or NOT paid
- ADD: When editing an order, you can mark it as shipped or not shipped.
- ADD: TinyMCE button to add category/product/supplier shortcode
- ADD: AIM payment gateway
- ADD: Row actions in all sections
- ADD: Realex payments – realauth redirect
- ADD: eMatters – HTTPS POST
- ADD: Show ‘Order Options’ inside the cart and order summary
- ADD: Australian post DRC shipping method API
- ADD: Custom fields in Products > Save
- ADD: Order custom fields
- REMOVE: Usage of PHP short open tags
- REMOVE: Support forums link from ‘Support & Help’
- IMPROVE: Order number in order receipt email subject
- IMPROVE: Multiple recipients for the merchant email notifications
- IMPROVE: Ability to update all posts/pages but not overwrite existing content as an option
- IMPROVE: Multiple, comma separated merchant/admin emails for notifications
- IMPROVE: Multiple, comma separated merchant/admin emails for notifications
- IMPROVE: Shopping cart widget Ajax refresh
- IMPROVE: Keywords from products list loop will perform search on the ‘All Products Post/Page ID’ post/page rather than using the WordPress search.
- IMPROVE: Order email with sub total, order options, shipping, total, etc.
- IMPROVE: WordPress 2.9 style ‘Add New’ buttons/links
- IMPROVE: ‘Configuration Sections’ meta box in the ‘Configuration’ section for better navigation and accessibility.
- IMPROVE: Contacts page of checkout
- CHANGE: Register button on ‘Contacts’ page to CONTINUE button.
- CHANGE: Checkout logo from the old basket to a new cart logo
- CHANGE: Icon in dashboard
- BUG: Incorrect redirect to cart (instead of product page) from category pages
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