Checkout Config: User Related Settings
Checkout > Configuration > User Related Settings
This section allows you to control and limit how users to your site interact with Checkout.
1. Guest Checkout
Having the Guest Checkout extension activated you can switch this on, to allow users to buy without the need to register first.
2. Content access to logged in users only
The default is “No” which means anyone visiting you site can look at the products in your shop. Changing it to “Yes” will mean that users have to be registered on your site and logon first to see the categories, products, etc.
3. Security Captcha image
A free, secure and accessible CAPTCHA implementation to free your site from spam users.
4. New User Role
Select the role that you want new registers to be registered as.
5. Username Preference
This either allows customers to create their own username or it automatically takes the email address as the user name. Simply select “Yes” or “No“.
6. Password Preference
The default is “Yes” This allows new customers to type their own password on the Contacts page during checkout. If set to “No“, a random password string will be automatically generated by the plugin.
7. New User Notification
The default is “On” This turns on/off whether to send the customer a notification with a username and password when they register as a new customer. With this turned On, it makes use of the default WordPress new user registration notification email.
8. Cookie Duration
This sets the Cookie duration to the following using a dropdown list 1 – 14 days. The default is 7 days and enables a customer place things in their shopping basket and return to carry on latter without having to start again if they did not finish on their last visit or be forced to checkout. After the set time period, users whom are not logged in will lose the contents of their cart and will need to start over.
9. Capture Shipping Details
The default is set to “No” in order to hide shipping details during checkout and on profile pages. Setting it to “Yes” will display the customer’s shipping details during checkout. PLEASE NOTE: With this setting turned off, set to “No“, shipping will not be calculated at all, even if shipping calculation is turned on.
10. Default Country
This allows you to select the Default Country at checkout time and is handy if the majority of your customers come from a particular country. It simply preselects the default country from the drop down list.
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