Checkout: Save a Category

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1. Title

This title/name will be shown throughout the shop to both yourself as administrator and to the customers viewing the front of your shop. Choose this title carefully in order for it to be understandable by your customers viewing your products. Keep the title below 150 characters.

2. Category Image

This is set to “No” by default. You may choose to use an image with your category. In that case set this to “Yes”. The following Image Input box will appear, allowing you to browse and upload an image. The image size must be 250px x 250px (or larger).

3. Description

This is the description that the seen by both you as the administrator and the users of the front end. This is additional information information you may wish to tell your user about the category. Try to keep this to below 250 characters.

4. Keywords

Key words allow you to enter keywords that are associated with the product that a user may use when searching for an item. This is similar to tags in a post and you must separate keywords with commas.

5. Parent Category

Sets how you define the level of the Category. This is a drop down and allows you to define whether the type of category you are creating is a parent category or if it is a sub-category of another category. If you want to use sub-categories then remember to create all your parent categories first.

6. Page Template

This sets the style of the category when it is displayed on the front-end to the user. This is a drop down that lets you select one of the follow styles for the category that you are creating: Default Template, One column- no sidebar, Shop Categories, Shop Front, Shop Products, Shop Suppliers. You can create your own template of WordPress page which is saved.

7. Saving

When you are done filling in the Title, uploading and image (if you choose to), the Description, Keywords etc  and you are satisfied with the details you have entered, click the save button at the bottom of the screen. If you want to make changes or have made a mistake you can always come back later and make alterations

What’s next?

Once you have created your Shop Category, you may go to Checkout > Products and assign products to categories. This can be done when editing a product or with the bulk action ‘Set Parent…’ or selecting a category the Checkout > Products section.

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