Checkout: Manage Products
Checkout > Products
Managing your products in the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin is quick and easy with the interface provided inside the plugin.
1. Add New Product
Clicking this button will take you to ‘Save a Product’ where you can create a new product for your shop. New Products added will show up on this ‘Manage Products’ screen after they are added.
2. Search Products
Quickly search the database for Products by typing a word or phrase and then clicking the ‘Search Products’ button.
3. Product Filters
If you have a lot of products and looking for one specific one, it’s often easier to omit your results so you have less to look through. Use the Product Filters to aid in the search for that product. There are 3 filtering criteria, each with options:
- Status – All Status / Active Products / Inactive Products
- Types – All Types / Digital Products / Tangible Products
- Price Type – All Price Types / Fixed Price Products / Tiered Price Products
Pick and choose as you wish then click the filter button.
4. Bulk Actions
These bulk actions allow you to select multiple Product records from the table using the checkboxes and then apply a bulk action on the selected records.
Bulk Actions:
- Activate: Activate the selected products to show to customers.
- De-Activate: De-activate the selected products so that they are hidden on the site.
- Change type to POST: Change the selected products to use WordPress posts.
- Change type to PAGE: Change the selected products to use WordPress pages.
- Change Purchase Type To BUY NOW: If you buy/add a product you will be redirected strait to checkout to pay.
- Change Purchase Type to ADD TO BASKET: With the “add to basket” you can add a product to the shopping cart and then have the option of going to checkout.
- Change Button Text: The “Change Button Text” option allows you to bulk change the “Add to Basket” text for the buttons related to the selected products. Once this option is selected from the bulk actions drop-down a text box will appear in which you add your new button text.
- Delete: This button will delete you selected products from the back end where you work from and from the front end which the customer sees.
- Stock Inventory: This option shows how much stock you have left of your selected products to sell.
- Set Supplier: On this bulk action you you will get a dropdown menu just before the “apply” button on the bulk actions to choose which supplier the selected products came from.
- Set Measurement Text: On this bulk action you you will get a text field to set measurement text for selected products.
- Set Length Measurement: On this bulk action you you will get a dropdown menu just before the “apply” button on the bulk actions to choose which measurement the selected products should have.
- Set Minimum Order: The minimum number of units of a product that can be purchased. A customer cannot order less units of a product than the number specified and applied to these selected products.
- Add Custom Fields (Appends): This will show all custom fields you created to associate with selected products. It will add custom fields to the existing ones on a product.
- Set Custom Fields (Overwrites): Set new custom fields on selected products.
- Add Variations (Appends): This will show all options and variations you created to associate with the selected products. This adds variations and options to the product, keeping the existing assigned ones.
- Set Variations (Overwrites): Set new product variations and options on the selected products.
- Add Categories (Appends): choose the categories to associate with the selected products.
- Set Categories (Overwrites): Set new product categories on the selected products.
- Change Type To Digital: You can choose this on selected products, Digital products do not have a physical form or structure that can be physically consumed.
- Change Type To Tangible: You can choose this on selected products that is most likely to be shipped (fiscal products)
- Set as SHOWCASE Product: You can change this Showcase on selected products to let them just showcase on your site. That means no “price” not for sale, hide the product price and add to cart buttons etc. It turns the product into a showcase or something like a catalogue.
- Set SHOWCASE Message To Display: You can set/change the message you want to display on your selected products that is not for sale.
- Set as FOR SALE Product: You can set/change the message you want to display on your selected products that is for sale.
- Variation tax calculations: Select products to calculate tax on variations or set it to only calculate tax on product price.
- Price Increase: Increase the price of the selected products by fixed price or percentage and optionally tell the plugin to put the old price in as the suggested/retail price of the product(s).
- Price Decrease: Decrease the price of the selected products by fixed price or percentage and optionally tell the plugin to put the old price in as the suggested/retail price of the product(s).
- Clear Retail/Suggested Prices: Selecting the “Clear Retails/Suggested Prices” and apply it on several products will simply set the retail/suggested price value to 0.00
- Export: Select products to export
5. Product Row Actions
Products are the number of products belonging to a category page. When you hover a Product row, action links will appear below it which are applicable to the row that you are hovering.
The links include ‘Edit’ which allows you to edit the Product, ‘Delete’ which will remove the Delete permanently, ‘View’ which will show you detailed information of the Product, ‘View on Front’ which will show you how the Product will be seen on the site by the user, ‘Related‘ which redirects you where you have the ability to drag and drop to assign other products as related to the current one and ‘Copy‘ which duplicates the product to create another identical one (which can then be edited to create a new, similar product).
6. Featured Products
Clicking on the grey star next to a product causes the star to become yellow, which identifies this product as a “Featured Product” and it will be displayed together with other featured products on a post or page containing the [wpcofeaturedproducts]
7. Sort Product
Sort products by clicking on this button in a specific, random or custom order.
8. Import Products
You can easily import your existing products into the plugin either from an existing osCommerce database or by uploading a CSV file with your products. Documentation on importing products
9. Export Products
You can now export all your products to a CSV file by clicking on this export button.
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