WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin v1.2
WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin v1.2 Change Log
- Fixed a bug with the “Pages Parent” configuration setting not showing all pages as intended.
- Fixed a bug with countries SQL not being queried correctly into the database.
- Coupons currency bug fixed. Only showed USD.
- Removed “Back to Top” from product pages.
- Front-end “Edit” and “Remove” links on product pages for logged in admin.
- Changed “Support Forums” link URL in “Support” section of the plugin.
- Prepended “wpco” to helper global variables to prevent conflict with other global vars.
- Added the (optional) ability to upload images for categories.
- Improvements to the way unlink() is fired when images are deleted.
- Order items of a product will now be removed when a product is removed.
- Counts in select drop downs. For example, products count is shown in categories drop down.
- Products mass action to set the supplier.
- Shipped status field is now available in admin when saving an order item.
- Pagination bug fixed in “Orders” section.
- Total price of an order is shown to customers in orders history on the front.
- Fixed a bug with the history link in the shopping cart widget.
- Links in the statistics overview to all the different sections of the plugin in admin.
- Total income and discount applied is shown in the statistics overview.
- Product “code” field now available for identification and reference purposes.
- Style options pricing is now available for each style option.
- Suppliers have been integrated into the plugin.
- Category image status is shown in the loop in the “Categories” section.
- New product icon has been implemented.
- Paid and not paid mass actions in the “Items” section
- Fixed a header issue with cookies. Cookie writing has been changed from PHP to JavaScript.
- Product images on shopping cart page now has the css property border:none; to prevent borders.
- Product content tabs has been developed for more complex products.
- Custom dynamic fields for products have been developed.
- You can now display shop categories in a sidebar widget.
- Custom dynamic fields gets optional pricing for each custom dynamic field.
- Added Singapore dollar to the currency list.
- Per page feature in all admin sections. Allows you to specify the number of records per page.
- You can now embed a hierarchy of shop categories into a post/page. {wpco_categories}
- Currency names can now be localized/translated.
- POS manual credit card payment method has been developed.
- Bank wire payment method has been developed.
- Shopping cart cookie integration has been done so that visitors don’t have to register first.
- Products can now be assigned to multiple categories using checkboxes in admin.
- Search feature has been developed in the “Categories” section.
- You now have the ability to turn product image cropping off if needed and display it full rather.
- You have the ability to put additional product images in a content tab optionally.
- You can now hardcode widgets. $wpCheckout -> widget(‘cart’);
- Product files can now be added with a link/url instead of uploading a file.
- Payment method for each order is shown in the “Orders” section now.
- CVV request for POS payment method can be turned on/off as preferred.
- Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price is now available. Its an optional field.
- New product saving page layout similar to that of the WordPress “Write” page.
- Custom dynamic fields are now shown in the order receipt email together with Styles.
- Link in order receipt email which takes user to the order online in the orders history.
- Optional, universal/promotional text message box for all products has been developed.
- Logos/images can now be uploaded for suppliers.
- WordPress posts/pages can now be created for suppliers if turned on in “Settings” section.
- A product style can now be a select, checkbox or radio field type. Defaults to “select”
- Merchant/admin email configuration in “Settings” section for order notifications.
- WordPress user roles and permissions have been integrated into each section of the plugin.
- Product suppliers can now be shown in a sidebar/hardcoded widget.
- Product hits/views are now calculated and displayed in the “Products” section
- Sub-categories (if any) are now shown on category pages on the front-end.
- Counts in pagination for all admin sections to show the total number of records for the model.
- Customers can now update their shipping/billing details on the WordPress profile page.
- Admin can now edit customer shipping/details via the “Authors & Users” section in WP.
- “State” has been changed to “State/Province” throughout the plugin.
- Ability to set the default selected country on shipping and billing pages during checkout.
- Products mass action to associate styles/options
- Products mass action to associate categories
- Inventory control which updates automatically
- Products mass action to set items in inventory for multiple products.
- “Content” section to add additional product content tabs.
- Affiliate/external products have been developed.
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