Slideshow Gallery Release Notes v1.6
- WordPress Slideshow Gallery 1.6 release notes.Added
- Excerpt length and more settings for featured posts in slideshow
- Assign/set/remove galleries bulk action for slides in admin
- jQuery UI effects – Blind, Clip, Explode, Puff, Pulsate, Shake, etc.
- Touch/mobile swipe gestures support
- “Per Page” setting in admin sections
- Max height setting for auto height
- Set a delay on the information bar
- Upgrade Colorbox and load from CDN
- WordPress 4.4 headings changes compatibility
- Headings in admin settings for easier configuration
- Use post_id=”X” to pull current post/page ID automatically
- Make sure links in information bar is the same colour as information text
- WordPress configured date format in admin sections for dates
- Select2 drop downs in admin sections
- Performance improvements with PHP class autoload
- Remove wp_head/wp_footer checks
- Check that slide ‘type’ database field is present
- Featured posts featuredtype parameter ineffective
- “Submit Serial Key” permission/access error
- Sorting of slides within gallery in admin not working
- Possible XSS security issues
- HTML validation errors
- Specify URL slides not always pulling image correctly
- Specify URL “File type is not allowed…
- Colorbox images wrong path (404 Not Found)
- Information bar not showing excerpt of post correctly
- Post/page media images description not showing in info bar
- Thumbnails don’t show on some browsers (Android, Opera, Safari, etc)
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