Is there any documentation or help available in relation to moving an existing shop from one host to another? I want to change hosts and move the site over to the hew host.
The process would basically be the same as moving a complete WordPress site across from one host to the other, as follows:
1. Backup your entire website's files (zip & download if you have cPanel, or simply download via FTP) to your computer.
2. Export your database to an SQL file on your computer using a tool like phpMyAdmin.
3. Create a new empty database in the new host's admin panel (cPanel or whatever they use).
4. Update your website's config.php file with the new database information (database name, username and password). Make sure the database server is the same (normally localhost), otherwise update that as well in config.php.
5. Upload your website's files via cPanel or FTP to the new location.
6. Use phpMyAdmin or whatever tool is offered by the new host to import your SQL file from the previous database into the new database (if your domain name changes you would first need to open the SQL file in a text editor, and search and replace all references to the old domain name very thoroughly).
7. Once the DNS change to your new host had propagated, your site (and shop) should simply continue working without interruption.
I hope this helps somewhat, tubos? Let me know if you need more specific instructions.
Thanks for your question.
The process would basically be the same as moving a complete WordPress site across from one host to the other, as follows:
1. Backup your entire website's files (zip & download if you have cPanel, or simply download via FTP) to your computer.
2. Export your database to an SQL file on your computer using a tool like phpMyAdmin.
3. Create a new empty database in the new host's admin panel (cPanel or whatever they use).
4. Update your website's config.php file with the new database information (database name, username and password). Make sure the database server is the same (normally localhost), otherwise update that as well in config.php.
5. Upload your website's files via cPanel or FTP to the new location.
6. Use phpMyAdmin or whatever tool is offered by the new host to import your SQL file from the previous database into the new database (if your domain name changes you would first need to open the SQL file in a text editor, and search and replace all references to the old domain name very thoroughly).
7. Once the DNS change to your new host had propagated, your site (and shop) should simply continue working without interruption.
I hope this helps somewhat, tubos? Let me know if you need more specific instructions.
Best regards,
It should work fine
Best regards,
Did you manage with this?
Let us know if you need any assistance with it at all.
All the best,