Wrong Offsite Code: doesn't include custom fields

edited January 2015 in Newsletter plugin

today I activated my Newsletter Pro license, coming from Rapid Mailer (your WhiteLabel release from IMSC).

Well, In your software the Offsite Wizard code generator doesn't work well.

Infact, it doesn't include in code the custom fields.

Of course I selected: "Should custom fields be generated in this HTML code?" as YES.

But generated code is totally missing custom fields.

This is an example of generated code (it is missing "Name" custom field):

<pre lang="php">
<div class="wpml widget_newsletters">
<input type="hidden" name="list_id[]" value="8" />
<div class="newsletters-fieldholder email"><label for="wpml-1420420015email" class="wpmlcustomfield wpmlcustomfield1">Email Address <span class="wpmlrequired">&#42;</span></label><input class="wpml widefat wpmltext" id="wpml-1420420015email" tabindex="914204200152" type="text" name="email" value="" /></div> <div>
<input class="button ui-button" type="submit" name="subscribe" value="Subscribe Now" />

Can you fix this bug, please? (in Rapid Mailer the wizard generator works fine).



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