[Solved] Manage Subscriptions page translation

edited May 2015 in Newsletter plugin


I've created a Swedish page with just the shortcode, added the page ID, translated all the fields in the setup but only the Title of the page is in Swedish. What am I doing wrong?


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    This should not have been in General, this is a Newsletters question.

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    Thank you for your post and follow-up.

    I've changed the category now as well to Newsletter plugin.

    So the Manage Subscriptions page needs the [newsletters_management] shortcode in it.

    This page is actually created for you by default.

    Then, to translate the Manage Subscriptions page, you have two options:

    1. Use a language file to translate the strings used in the page into your own language (Swedish). See the documentation on doing that: http://tribulant.com/docs/wordpress-mailing-list-plugin/80

    2. You can create a child theme folder and get the existing template files from wp-mailinglist/views/default/management/ folder and then edit those according to your needs. See the child theme folder documentation: http://tribulant.com/docs/wordpress-mailing-list-plugin/7890

    Please note that there are also several settings under Newsletters > Configuration to change the text of certain things such as the confirmation link, unsubscribe link and so on. So some strings may actually be settings and not be specifically in the language file.

    Let me know if these answers help?

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    1. I have downloaded the .mo files from your site. "Current Language" says: wp-mailinglist-languages\newsletters-lite-sv_SE.mo

    One pronblem is I can't even open any of the .po files downloaded from your Github page with POEdit Pro !!

    "Invalid file | The file cannot be opened". Maybe the .mo is also corrupt. Can you open them in POEdit?

    I'm on a local install with ServerPilot, maybe I should upload it to a site that you can check on one of my servers.

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    Are you maybe right-clicking and downloading the .po and .mo files from Github?

    If you're doing that, the language files will be broken, they will be HTML pages.

    Best would be to download the entire ZIP file or the RAW source of a specific one. So go here: https://github.com/TribulantSoftware/wp-mailinglist-languages and then click "Download ZIP" on the right-hand side. 

    Please note that we're constantly working on those language files but the sv_SE may not be exactly up to date. I can find out it's specific status for you if you want me to but you'll see it in poEdit anyways.

    If you want to collaborate towards the language, please send me a message here or in our help desk so that we can negotiate it further.

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    Downloaded the Zip and that worked!

    I have looked at the file and not much has been done and some of the chosen words are plain wrong.

    I work professionally as a translator and I would be interrested in doing the translation if we can get a good deal on the $325!

    I also need you to develop a backup function for the setup since I will be using your plugin on at least 5 sites directly and need roughtly the same setup on every site. See my other conversations!

    It would take me a while to do and there are many texts that I have no idea where they will pop up in the plugin and therefore they are very difficult to do correctly. Since I will be using the plugin in Swedish I will be able to update the translation as I work with it.

    Let me know what you think. I've tried a couple of newsletter plugins and yours is the best one so I'd really like to use it.


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    edited May 2015


    Wonderful, I'm glad to hear that using the ZIP worked to translate the Newsletter plugin.

    Sure, absolutely, we can negotiate a better price in exchange for the translation.

    Please submit a ticket to our help desk and I'll assist you further: http://tribulant.com/support/

    Ok, you want to be able to export the settings of the Newsletter plugin?

    Or everything really? Subscribers, lists, etc... as well?

    Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad that you think we have the best WordPress Newsletter plugin.

    I'll mark this thread regarding the Manage Subscriptions translation as [Solved] and will await your ticket regarding the deal in exchange for continued translation and regarding the backup feature as well.

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