Send Newsletter to updated Post

edited June 2015 in Newsletter plugin

I would like to send a special newsletter with a updated or new post. Is it possible to create a special newsletter template for sending a single post-Newsletter? I saw the option with [wpmlpost post_id="xy"]. But with this i have to edit the post-id with every sending in the template. I would like to integrate the Post title as a link, an excerpt of the post and the date and author. The keyword [wpmlcontent] is only replaced by the excerpt of the post and the unsubscribe link. But there is no link to the post, for example. Can you give me a hint?

Thanks and regards, 



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    Hello Jan,

    Thank you for getting in contact.

    You can use the multiple posts shortcode to retrieve the last post of your blog, like this:

    [newsletters_posts language="en" numberposts="1" showdate="N" eftype="excerpt" orderby="post_date" order="ASC" category="3"]

    You can then edit the Posts system email to display the post as you want:

    Please let us know if it helps ok?

    All the best!


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    Hello Vitor, 

    thank you for your answer. This is a good solution to send the latest / posts.

    But how can i use my templates with the 'Send as Newsletter' option in the edit post page? Even if the current post is not the newest or oldest one? Have a look:

    Thank you


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    Actually the best way of doing what you want to achieve is to create a newsletter template which will be used specifically for sending a post, page or custom post excerpt with the details you need, as a newsletter.

    Then you'll go and edit your post, page or custom post and use the "Send as Newsletter" box to queue/send the newsletter. You'll select "Excerpt", choose your newsletter template to use and then the list(s) to send it to.

    Your dedicated newsletter template can be similar to your original one but with some modifications.

    Will this work for you?

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    Hi Antonie, 

    thank you for the answer but i didn't understand it completely. 

    Just to be shure: How should the template-content looks like?  With the parameters posted by Vitor it would not work: [wpmlposts language="en" numberposts="1" showdate="N" eftype="excerpt" orderby="post_date" order="ASC" category="3"]. With this i can get the newest / oldest one, for example

    What parameters have to be inserted in the newsletter template to send the current edited post? What are the modifications you described?

    [wpmlcontent] => Excerpt of the post

    [wpmlpost post_id="xy"] => specific post

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    Thank you for your response.

    That's the thing, you don't need any parameters. Just go and edit a post and in the "Send as Newsletter" box choose a template and list(s) and click "Update" for the post and you'll see that the newsletter is queued with the content or excerpt of the post just like that.

    That's all that is needed.

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    Thank you for your response. But i would like to send a newsletter about a post with a date, author, excerpt and (important fact) the link to the post.

    The newsletter is only sent with an excerpt of the post. The NL-Template only contains the [wpmlcontent] shortcode.




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