Accessing IP Logs for Gallery Voting?
Hi, I saw the other post of the IP logs, but I am confused on how to access the sbhef_galleryvoting file. I currently have access to the CPanel and File Managers, but I'm not understanding where to look to find these IP addresses.
Also, where exactly are the votes being stored? Is it similar to the galleryvoting file?
You can view the IP Addresses of the votes in phpMyAdmin. Search for a database table with _galleryvotes, you will be able to view the ip addresses in it
We are working on an interface for the WordPress Gallery Voting to view votes and galleries in the WordPress admin dashboard but that's not available yet.
So as my colleague mentioned, best is to view the database in a tool such as phpMyAdmin at the moment.
Just wondering if there's been any update to view the votes in the WordPress admin dashboard?
Not yet, it's still a task on our development list.