Widget Button hidden.
I put widget in footer of my website. But "Subscribe now" Button doesn't show. If i hover mouse cursor on the right side of input field then a blue box shown. I found followng code in widget.php
<span id="newsletters_buttonwrap">
<input <?php echo $Html -> tabindex($widget_id); ?> type="submit" class="button btn btn-primary" name="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr(stripslashes(__($instance['button']))); ?>" id="<?php echo $widget_id; ?> button" />
but nothing seems wrong with this.
Could you help me with this?
Can you please give me a link to your site to have a look at your newsletter widget?
It's possible that it's hidden with css.
If you don't want to give your link in the forum, feel free to open a support ticket in order for me to assist you?
Thanks Marietha!!
But i am developing my site locally so i dont have any link to provide. I am attaching two screenshots.. just check it if you can help.
Unfortunately I can't view your screenshot. It's broken images.
Marietha, Can you see it now?
Yes, thank you. I believe it's hidden with css. Can you inspect elements to see if buttons on your site is hidden. Or check for any css that would hide this button?
Did you manage to get the button showing?
If not, you can right-click in your browser on the button and inspect it, then check on the right-hand side if you see any CSS which could be setting display:none; or a specific colour on the button that causes this.
If you don't manage with it, it will be great if you can put it online for us to see.
I look forward to your response.