Newbie question about email templates
I just installed the lovely newsletter plugin and I'm trying to create an email template.
Everything is working fine, and the shortcodes are working, but I have an issue with the content of the email, currently I can use [newsletter_posts] and [newsletters_main_content] (still don't know what the difference is), but what I want to do is customize the actual posts html layout, like for example in PHP you can run a loop and customize the html the way you want, but I can't find any way to do this in the plugin, am I missing something or this is not possible?
I just installed the lovely newsletter plugin and I'm trying to create an email template.
Everything is working fine, and the shortcodes are working, but I have an issue with the content of the email, currently I can use [newsletter_posts] and [newsletters_main_content] (still don't know what the difference is), but what I want to do is customize the actual posts html layout, like for example in PHP you can run a loop and customize the html the way you want, but I can't find any way to do this in the plugin, am I missing something or this is not possible?
shortcode is a shortcode to display certain, multiple posts based on criteria. The criteria are the attributes that you specify on the shortcode, eg.[newsletters_posts numberposts=5 order=ASC orderby=post_date post_type=event...]
shortcode is the very MAIN shortcode that goes into any newsletter template where the content you create for your newsletter under Newsletters > Create Newsletter is placed. It is the main editor content that is placed in the position of this shortcode.You can customize the HTML output of the
shortcode email template and other email templates under Newsletters > Configuration > System Emails. The one for[newsletters_post...]
is the "Posts" box in the System Emails section.Let me know if that helps, please?
This works perfectly well! thanks a lot for your help!
One last question though, is there any way to change the style of the shortcodes?
For example, the unsubscribe shortcode displays the text in blue, I want it in white, the thumbnails are limiting me to the default wordpress values (full, large, small, medium) what if I want a custom value for that? I hope I explained well!
Thanks a lot!