WordPress 2.7 Compatibility

I’m sitting here, writing this in WordPress 2.7, giving a sigh of bliss joy as I investigate the new features that the administration interface has to offer. You might wonder whether a large amount of people don’t like it and what their reasons in despise might be. My opinion is that the new navigation/menu might take some getting used to while several great features such as the quick edit and other usability improvisions will surely rock your socks off just as much as it will save you production labor time. Overall I like it and believe that it has improved the workflow factor for the WordPress administrator steering the website.

So do the Tribulant WordPress plugins work with WordPress 2.7? Yes, they do. But regrettably there are several minor issues. They will not prevent you from using the software as intended to though. Some design/layout glitches with HTML forms have been noted in the administration panels. Such as radio buttons and checkboxes floating to the right (still fully visible and tabular). For example, it has been noted that the visual mode (HTML still works) of the wysiwyg editor has been broken in the WordPress shopping cart plugin and WordPress mailing list plugin. These have been fixed already so if you are in desperate need for a visual editor, please contact us for a development build. I am going to list a few known issues for you in the Tribulant documentation under each of the plugins. Please read the lists so that you have an idea of what the issues are. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated as well. In case you experience a problem which you see is not listed, please contact us in order to investigate! We will always be thankful and grateful for the time and effort you put into contributing to our software.

As I mentioned though, you could upgrade to WordPress 2.7 without the risk of causing fatal errors in any of the Tribulant plugins though I’d personally recommend and suggest that you stretch it out a little longer and upgrade to 2.7 in another week or two since many – if not most – of the WordPress plugins you are currently using, will have a bug, glitch and/or incompatibility of some sort. Minor issues in the Tribulant plugins are currently being worked on at a rapid pace and release dates will be posted on the blog periodically. Check your RSS feed or subscribe to the blog for regular updates on what is going on for each plugin individually.

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  1. Posts about Wordpress 2.7 as of December 20, 2008 | The Lessnau Lounge on December 20, 2008

    […] […]


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