Most Common Ethical Problems in SMM

Social media marketing has been considered one of the strongest marketing tools for quite some time now. Its reach is impressive and the affordability it offers to brands has turned it into an essential part of every marketing strategy. Brands use social media to promote their brands, reach people from their target audience, make sales and get followers, and basically – grow their brands from the ground up. However, one highly important part in making this happen is eliminating the ethical issues in social media and content promotion.

In this article, you’ll find the best way to manage social media ethical issues and promote your content on social media.


With the rise of cyber crime nowadays, privacy has become one of the most prominent ethical issues in social networking. This has taught people to be more mindful about the information they share and where they share it. As a marketer of a certain brand, you must take serious action toward promoting privacy for the business. Unless your brand is acknowledged as a trustworthy company, people won’t be willing to give up their sensitive information to sign up, browse, or buy your products and services.


Being vague about things won’t help you when you’re trying to monetize a business.

People will appreciate when you’re honest about your motives when you post content. It beats one of the most prominent social media ethics issues and brings your brand on top of the competition. If you show people that you’re honest with them, they’ll perceive your brand as a trustworthy source.

Being transparent with the audience is important, but honesty is equally crucial, too. Many brands overstate the quality of their products or services or distort the truth. You can present your brand in a great light without lying. If you can’t find the way to do this or your content sounds too simple, it’s better to hire professional dissertation help online than it is to lose credibility because you lied.


Clickbaits might have worked wonders in the beginning, but people can recognize these from miles ahead today. Your headlines should be inviting and clickable, but if you make them too clickbait-like, it will literally push people away. To be more, social media as well as Google use algorithms that mark such headlines as fake news and spam.

So, try to come up with honest, but clever headlines that tell people what your content is about. It beats the algorithms and the ethical problem that arises from clickbaits.

Promises and Deliveries

People will remember your promises, even if they don’t act on them right away. So, if you don’t plan on fulfilling a promise or you aren’t sure that you can deliver – don’t do it. The social ethics surrounding unfulfilled promises are as clear as day. If you don’t stand behind what you say, you’ll disappoint the people who follow you.


We don’t often see this online, but some marketers think that you can actually make people buy your services by scaring them first. If you use statements with the intent to scare someone into purchasing something, reading further, or taking some action – you’re facing a huge ethical issue. Using fear with the goal to motivate can backfire when you least expect it. People don’t like to be bullied into doing something, so be honest and sensitive in your CMM.


For the sake of publicity, avoid controversy at all costs. It might get you free publicity, but this is the wrong kind of publicity your business needs. The attention will easily go in the wrong direction since people don’t really like controversy. In fact, the ethics behind these are so grand, that some of your audience will even become alienated. You’ll lose customers as a result, so avoid this whenever possible.

Public Bashing

Public bashing is a fine way to let the steam off and put the person who attacks your business in his rightful spot. However, it looks really bad and will definitely not be accepted well by the rest of your audience. In the end, you must think about it – is one person worthy of you losing dozens of other customers?


Plagiarism is an offense nowadays, but this isn’t the only thing you can steal when it comes to SMM. The obvious stealing is when you post someone else’s work as your own. Another way is if you upload a meme as if you created it. Or, this can easily happen when you’re using images from Google and other sites that do not allow for it.

Not only can this lead to a lot of trouble if the other person finds out what you did, but it will actually reflect poorly on you in terms of search engine optimization, too. So, whenever you’re using someone else’s work, make sure to quote them in the process.


When it comes to social media content and activity, it all comes down to how dedicated you are to this. With the right approach and ethics, you can reach out to the target audience faster than you anticipated. Address the ethical issues above to avoid problems that could harm your strategy.

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