5 Most Effective WordPress Website Design Tips

WordPress is a top-rated website Content Management Platform (CMS). However, like any skill, it takes time to improve the quality of your WordPress websites. For a WordPress development company, their product must be on par with the market.

A website design and development company needs to focus on multiple aspects to ensure that the final website is as effective, speedy, and efficient as possible. Here are the five most practical tips for your WordPress website design.

Focus on Current Trends and Design Preferences

Like the fashion or food market, design preference for WordPress is dynamic. Designs that are famous today could become outdated within a few months. As a result, a website design and development company should continuously research the latest trends being followed by dynamic websites worldwide.

For example, recently, parallax scrolling and pop-up headlines have become extremely popular. Opting for these developments shall provide a website better SEO score, making them easily visible to the users. Moreover, material design, focusing on responsive websites, and card-based design like Pinterest are emerging trends.

Another important aspect is to provide a responsive design. A WordPress development company can’t offer different websites for different devices. Instead, the company should focus on responsive themes. Theme builders such as Divi, Astra, and Voice, etc. all provide sensitive code, that can change the shape and size of the design per device size being used.

Users Want Content, Not Hassle

A WordPress development company should ensure that the content is easily accessible to the users. Bounce rate will increase dramatically if the user finds it difficult to navigate through the design or understand where the actual content is. Carefully crafted layout, proper search options, and removal of irrelevant material are some of how content becomes more comfortable to locate.

Consider going into a shop or office with all the displays next to each other and no open spaces to walk around – what will you think about it? Similarly, when users enter a website, they need it to be arranged and divided to avoid any confusion. WordPress development company should focus on leaving whitespaces in between divisions of text and visual data to make the content easily visible.

Users Fill Easy Forms – Not Difficult Ones

A website design and development company must ensure that forms are laid out logically. Forms that is too difficult to understand or also time taking to full might get ignored by the users.

To make forms more engaging, a WordPress development company can try to divide the Forms into sections. For example, a section for personal information, production information, and shipping information, etc. This division makes it easier for the customer to understand the flow of data in the form.

The visual design of the forms can have an impact too. Many WordPress form builders like Visual Form Builder, WPForms, OptinMonster, etc. provide multiple tools to alter the graphical representation of the form. After all, users are more likely to fill something attractive rather than dull and boring.

Speed Matters – To Everyone

The design of a WordPress website is heavily dependent on the speed of the site. Users are likely to bounce-off from a slow and striking website. A website design and development company should focus on improving page speed by optimizing the website. There are many many methods to do this.

Using premium themes rather than free ones increases the speed by using compressed code. Premium version of Themes like Divi, Hestia, Aden, etc. provides numerous in-built features for which plugins would have to be used otherwise. As a simple rule: the more plugins you use, the slower your site shall be. The slower speed is due to the increased data transfer required to load all the plugin.

Removing plugins that have similar features can reduce the load on pages. The disk space required by images is another consideration. Use plugins like WPSmush, EWWW Image Optimizer, and ShortPixel Image Optimizer, etc. to reduce the size of images on website pages. Image resizers can also help by trimming off extra image space and cutting disk requirements.

Two other modern techniques can also be applied: caching and lazy loading. Caching saves part of the pages that are static so that they don’t have to be transferred every time a user visits a website. Plugins like W3SupeCache can provide this functionality. Lazy loading means that only the current section of the site that the user is viewing shall be loaded. This reduces the time for the initial page to launch.

Fonts, Permalinks, Topography – The Building Blocks

WordPress development company should ensure that it provides essential consideration to the smaller yet extremely vital aspects of a website. Font variation is a must requirement to keep a user engaged with the site.

A single-toned webpage is likely to lose the user’s attention, resulting in increased bounce-off from the website. However, it’s not just important to use multiple fonts; it’s essential to maintain proper font pairs. For example, a site with the heading in Mistral font and body text in Lucida Handwriting font will be too difficult for users with visual disabilities to read.

A better approach shall be to use Mistra with Times New Roman or Arial. Font topography, including the color and size, decides how mesmerizing the site shall be. Most themes come with predefined style-sets, carefully made to be appealing to most audiences. However, the development company can add their blend to it using CSS.

Permalinks structure is what brings users back to the site. If it is easier for them to remember the link to their favorite content, they are likely to revisit it or share it with others. A website design and development company should focus on using easy and well-structured permalinks that are easy to remember and navigate through.


Following these tips can help a website development company make effective products for their clients that can engage the maximum numbers of users. However, these are not the only methods to improve your website. Research for other specific purposes related to your idea to build the best site.

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  1. Mona on August 24, 2019

    Great tips and hints. Best for all the newbie web Designers those who have just started web designing.


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