Banners Config: Text Box Presentation

Banners > Configuration > Text Box Representation


This section allows you to customize the style of your WordPress Banners plugin text box(es).  A sample text box preview is provided in the Dashboard and its style will be updated as you change the values below. When you are happy with the style you have defined save the configuration.

Background Color

This defines the background text box Values may be type in in RGB  format e.g. “rgb(255, 228, 240)” or  hexadecimal notation “#FFE4F0”


This sets the thickness of the border of the Banner text box. Values typed pixels, color, line style e.g. “1px #999999 solid” or “2px #FF0000 dotted”

Text Color

This sets the text color Banner text box. e.g.. “#336699”


This sets the padding of Banner text box. Padding is distance set between the Banner Ad and the surrounding content. Values are set in pixels e.g. “4px” or “3px 0px 3px 4px”

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