Checkout v1.4.7 Release Notes
-WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.4.7 release notes.
- Surcharge feature for the PayPal payment method which can be turned On/Off and can be configured.
- Ability to calculate tax before/after shipping was added to the order total.
- Realex payments ACCOUNT value configuration setting for sub-accounts. Defaults to “internet”.
- Page template settings for products, categories and suppliers in configuration section.
- Page template setting for each individual product, category and supplier to override global settings.
- Button/link in ‘Orders’ section to delete the credit card details of a user from the database when Manual POS was used.
- In the ‘Products’ section, the Options of a Style didn’t display when a Style was ticked for the Add/Set Styles bulk actions.
- Prices didn’t show up on the front-end for Style Options when a Style with checkboxes was used.
- Payment method(s) setting boxes were inappropriately hidden from the configuration section.
- “Go and add” shipping methods link was broken in the ‘Configuration’ section.
- PayPal tax was calculated twice when discount coupons were turned on.
- “Get Support” link on the ‘Overview’ page was going to the wrong place.
- WordPress 3.0 Compatibility!
- For CSV product import, the PHP mime_content_type function won’t be used if it is not available on the server as a PHP extension.
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