Customer image upload not working on smartphones
First, thank you for a great, amazingly flexible shopping cart! We're using it to have customers sign up for an advertising platform and send us the files needed for it. However, we've noticed that we don't receive any files attached to the order, for customers who use smartphone for file upload (handled through the custom fields you made available). Computer based order placement works fine. We have the newest version of the Checkout installed. Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!
First, thank you for a great, amazingly flexible shopping cart! We're using it to have customers sign up for an advertising platform and send us the files needed for it. However, we've noticed that we don't receive any files attached to the order, for customers who use smartphone for file upload (handled through the custom fields you made available). Computer based order placement works fine. We have the newest version of the Checkout installed. Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!
Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this.
Some smartphones do not support Flash which is used by the file upload field.
We are currently changing this and an update will be released shortly.
Just as the heads up, over the past year or two, we saw a major switch from desktop to mobile - now, about 60% of our traffic comes from mobile devices, and we're NOT a mobile-oriented website. Looking forward to the update.
You are right and sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We are almost done with the conversion on this side and then we will release an update accordingly.
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Any news on whether your product moved away from flash uploads yet? I need to renew to upgrade to newest version, but don't want to do so if you still don't support mobile uploads - we're up to 75% or more customers using mobile browsers to access us. Couldn't find any info on that in changelogs. Thanks!
I asked you about an update on bugs with mobile and tablet uploading at beginning of August & am still waiting for an answer, at the end of the month (!). I will not buy a renewal without an answer to a question of whether the plugin is usable in modern browser and device environment.